RUPERT Murdoch’s Fox News once went to law to claim ownership of the ‘Fair and Balanced’ legend that sits proudly beneath its name. The case was over before the laughter had subsided and Fox executives were left looking fairly stupid; or stupider.

The rabidly right-wing cable TV network has plumbed new depths in recent weeks in its ongoing attempts to make Genghis Khan look like Tony Benn on Prozac. In the ‘On the Money’ business programme recently, host Eric Bolling claimed that the new Muppets movie was brainwashing American kids. Eric is upset that the bad guy in the new movie, Tex Richman, is an oil tycoon. He thinks that the demonisation of a wealthy businessman is part of a campaign by the liberal elite in Hollywood to undermine capitalism and promote a left-wing, green agenda.

At a press conference this  week ahead of the release of the movie in England, the Muppets were asked what they had to say about the Fox News claims. The ever reasonable Kermit pointed out, with some justification, that if the Muppets were pinko Friends of the Earth types in the movie they’d be driving around in a Prius hybrid instead of a “gas-guzzling Rolls Royce”. But, as ever, it was left to the combative Miss Piggy to drive the final sword into the neck of the snorting Murdoch bull. Of Bolling’s remarks she said: “It’s almost as laughable as accusing Fox News of, you know, being news.”


Cue laughter and applause from the assembled journalists, a response which a pro like Squinter has to point out was neither fair nor balanced. But in the circumstances appropriate.