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Empire building on daft paddys

It’s a striking fact and a source of pride to some: the number of Irish comics who make it big in Britain. It’s been that way for decades at least: Frank Carson, Dave Allen, Jimmy Cricket, Dermot Morgan, Dara O Brian, Brendan O’Carroll – and, of course that old perennial, Sir Terry Wogan. They’ve all made the British laugh.

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Totting up the tots provides a glimpse of all our futures

Funny how religion and politics can criss-cross. Here we are in the mouth of Christmas which celebrates the birth of Jesus with all its implications, and within days of that feast the Economic and Social Research Institute in the south has come up with some new and slightly startling research about babies.

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British megalomania remains a terrible disease

I like the way Alex Salmond looks. And the way he talks. He’s overweight, he has the wide-eyed face of a panda in search of banana shoots, and he’s supremely unflappable. Besides which he has this idea that Scotland is an adult nation and should have independence from Britain within Europe.

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Go on and get your Granny a goat for Christmas

What a world, eh? People being laid off, shops shutting up shop, the air thick with the crunch of bankruptcy. Even the Christmas trees are looking smaller and sadder this year. But if it’s bad here in the North it’s worse in the South. When a government has to break the budget bad news into bite-size chunks and feed it to the public in instalments, you know things are bad, bad, bad.

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Get Granny a new goat for Christmas in the name of social justice

What a world, eh? People being laid off, shops shutting up shop, the air thick with the crunch of bankruptcy. Even the Christmas trees are looking smaller and sadder this year. But if it’s bad here in the north it’s worse in the south. When a government has to break the budget bad news into bite-size chunks and feed it to the public in instalments, you know things are bad, bad, bad.

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Coming up for air after breathtaking performance by DUP leader

Sometimes radio can simply suck your breath away – leave you gasping over breakfast or in the car. I had two such moments already today; at this rate I’ll be hyperventilating by tea-time.

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