Brenda McMullen
Principal Cliftonville Integrated Primary
Your place of birth: Kilkeel, Co Down.
Where You Live: South Belfast.
First Job: Carr’s Glen Primary, North Belfast.
What it taught me: Children thrive when they are cjhallenged, enjoy school and work hard.
Best advice anyone ever gave you: Treat every child equally!
Best advice you could give someone thinking of a teaching career: Teaching can be great fun and very satisfying, especially with young children in a primary school. Go for it!
Brenda has taught in North Belfast primary schools since 1984. However, her most rewarding job, she says, is her current role as Principal in Cliftonville Integrated Primary School.
“Cliftonville IPS gained integrated status four years ago and it has been an exciting journey for everyone in our school community,” explains Brenda. “The intake has doubled and now there are a large variety of children from Protestant, Catholic and other faiths. Belfast is slowly but steadily becoming a cosmopolitan city and it is great to see this mix reflected in Cliftonville. Our school is greatly enriched by the variety of faiths, religions and nationalities that make up the pupil population.”
Brenda says she is delighted to have been nominated for a Blackboard award. “I must pay a special thanks to my nominee and the parents of the school who are very supportive of the staff and me. We are always grateful for their unfailing help and never take their efforts for granted.”
She adds: “I look forward to the years ahead in Cliftonville IPS, as the school continues to grow and improve. The staff, Governors, parents and I are convinced we have a challenging but bright future and are determined to move ahead with a confident hope.”